The Purvey Podcast

Episode 3 - Courtroom to Co-Packer (Part III) w/ special guest Nik Agharkar

Purvey CPG Season 1 Episode 2

In episode three of The Purvey Podcast, Chase Slepak the host and co-founder of Purvey CPG welcomes Nik Agharkar back to the show for part three of the Courtroom to Co-Packer series.

Chase & Nik were introduced by a mutual friend when Nik expressed he may be interested in leaving law to try his hand at business, specifically consumer packaged goods. 

In this episode Chase & Nik begin to discuss the brand identity for Nik's Indian inspired ready-to-drink tea brand.  Nik shares his brand story ultimately leading them to land on True Nature Tea Company as a brand name.  Chase explains to Nik that the next major milestone should be to put together a brand overview deck and begin to solidify the brand concept and identity in preparation for meetings with vendors and investors. 

Throughout the next few weeks Chase & Nik will be interviewing creative teams to help finalize the brand identity and create a brand overview deck.  Check back soon to learn who Nik will be working with and follow the process of solidifying the brand identity. 

Nik has offered to allow Chase & our listeners to follow him on this journey from concept to launch.  In addition to regular interviews Nik will be active in our exclusive Purvey CPG FaceBook group where he will be looking for additional help, guidance and accountability along his journey and sharing what he learns with all of you. 

Purvey CPG was created for folks like Nik.  Purvey is not a business Purvey is the passion project of some industry veterans looking to give back and help out.  Purvey CPG is a community and a resource for entrepreneurs & wantrepreneurs to learn from industry experts and connect with other Purveyors. 

Follow us on FaceBook and learn more about our mission at